
Is the primary Taqlīd of a deceased permissible?

We believe that in the case of Aʿlamiyah being proven, there is no objection to follow (Taqlid) a deceased, be it primarily or continually. When we say Aʿlamiyah it is not restricted to verdicts, rather is encompasses general religious knowledge as well, and whenever the Aʿlamiyah of an individual is proven, whether he is alive or deceased, it is obligatory to follow (Taqlid) him. This matter is applicable to contemporary people or those close to our era.

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  • About the institute

    Imam Jawad (as) Cultural Foundation has the honor to manage Sayed Kamal al-Haydari’s official website. We are also honored to be responsible for preserving and publishing His Eminence’s written and audio/video works. Multiple people are working for the cause and striving to preserve the quality of products, stay connected to the audience and answer questions asked by them.

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