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Bearing in mind your theory of permissibility of following all religions, divine and non-divine religions, is marriage with followers of divine religions and non-divine religions allowed?

Marriage according to divine religions are of two types. Permanent: provided that it does not effect the beliefs of a human being there is no objection. Temporary: There is no obstacle. Marriage with non-divine religions is not permissible. ...

To what extent is the permission of one's husband for his wife to leave the house according to jurisprudence?

The husband’s permission is not always obligatory except in particular instances. Permission for performing obligatory acts, visiting one's parent's and going to the doctor is not necessary. ...

About the institute

Imam Jawad (as) Cultural Foundation has the honor to manage Sayed Kamal al-Haydari’s official website. We are also honored to be responsible for preserving and publishing His Eminence’s written and audio/video works. Multiple people are working for the cause and striving to preserve the quality of products, stay connected to the audience and answer questions asked by them.

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