Istefta »
What is the ruling regarding Taqlid of a deceased Marja’?

If it is contemporary and the person believes that the deceased is the most knowledgeable, then it is permissible. ...

I live in Sweden; the days are long and nights are short. The Imam Ali (peace be upon him) mosque is located in Stockholm, they have another method of calculating the time of sunrise and sunset there! Although here according to the Azaan timetables, the morning Azaan is announced at 2:30 am but the mosque has another timetable and they say that " It is done according to research, the increase in the horizon light is at 12:30 after Zohr Azaan and therefore according to the view of the Maraje the increase in the horizon light indicates the time of dawn and this means one can pray" so 1:30 am is the time of fasting. Bearing in mind that others act according to phone applications and there is a Sunni community here, there is about a one-hour difference with the calculations of this mosque! Meaning 2:30 am. On the other hand, they announce the time of Iftar according to the sunset for which every Marja gives the juridical basis for determining the time of sunset, does the reddening of the horizon or it becoming completely dark signify sunset! Personally, when I look at the sky at night, I see complete darkness but there are times (about two to three weeks later) that the sky is not completely dark and the horizon is half dark. Therefore, I will be thankful to know the view of the great Marja and come out of my perplexity! Abundant peace and greetings to you for your service and to the great and excellent Marja.

Iftar cannot be made before the sky turns completely red. Meaning it is not permissible to make Iftar just as the sun disappears. According to the view of his grace you can fast on the days which are more than 20 hours long but if you cannot, fast ...

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Imam Jawad (as) Cultural Foundation has the honor to manage Sayed Kamal al-Haydari’s official website. We are also honored to be responsible for preserving and publishing His Eminence’s written and audio/video works. Multiple people are working for the cause and striving to preserve the quality of products, stay connected to the audience and answer questions asked by them.

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